
Monday, October 29, 2007

Free crochet Patterns

  • Crafty Diversions.. Homemade Yarn Swift (free tutorial)

    If a person is inclined toward making lovely skeins with their homespun, this is the way to go? I personally have used a niddy noddy for the short length of time that I have been spinning, but have seen so many others using the�yarn swifts�that I have thought I might like to use one.� No [...]

  • Long Blogging Pause…. Stick Weaving and Spinning

    My long blogging pause is over and I am so tickled about that?� So? what?s been going on? Back during the last of June,� I had DH help a bit and made a spindle? from a dowel and a toy car wheel purchased at Hobby Lobby.� The purple blend of yarn is the part of the [...]

  • Moving… Come See Me!

    ���� This has been a real adventure here at Fabric Follies.� Never in my 50+ years did I ever dream that a little fun on a daily basis would bring over 1000 hits a day and some lovely email friends!� This year began early on with surgery and later on with placement of a heart [...]

  • Making Your Own “Duct Tape Double”

    I have yet to find anyone I would trust enough to wrap me up completely in duct tape!� grin� But I will keep looking and at some point will have my own double that I can fit my patterns to without the pin pricks of trying to fit it on myself.� Crazy Chole Black of Slightly [...]

  • Toe Up Crocheted Socks

    � This is my first try at crocheting socks? Wow!� I wish I had tried this many years ago.� They are not only quick and easy, they are so much fun to do!� I studied several free patterns online and after a while realized that it was soooo simple? just crochet in rounds to the [...]

  • My Little Bird

    �� In my wandering through the world of crafts yesterday morning, I came across this cute little bird on with a link leading back to a German site that showed the instructions for making it.� Well? before breakfast I had cut a bit of felt and was handsewing in front of my pc? DH [...]

  • Blackwork Embroidery

    As I have wandered through the pages showing all the ancient needlework and crafting, blackwork embroidery is almost always present in one�place or another.� Elizabethan Blackwork�has wonderful (and I do mean wonderful) patterns on several pages of her site.� Here is another site with many fill in patterns for sleeves, collars, scarves?whatever you would like [...]

  • More Painted Eggs Posted in the Painted Eggs Sub Pages

    � This is a blue rose fading around the egg until it is almost white.� It is one of my favorites.� I have posted several of the eggs I have been doing lately, but still have many more that will be posted later.� These are such fun to do ? Have a look?

  • My First Naalbinding Hat

    �� I continue to be fascinated with this centuries old and almost forgotten technique.�� I have learned today that this stitch is called the Korgen stitch.� It is one of my favorites.� The mitten I made turned out really bad..grin� So ? no pics!� But I will try again since I think I have figured [...]

  • Wrap Your Gifts in Fabric…Forget Paper!

    � What a wonderful idea! I was surfing through my early morning blogs and found a post re: Vox on Sharon B?s blog? had to go look? began to surf to see if there were many fabric sites? found this!� It seems the Japanese government is encouraging it?s population to use fabric as gift wrap [...]

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