
Friday, July 06, 2007

Beginning Crochet

Now that you have just completed your first row of chains (your foundation chain) you are really learning to crochet! You are ready to make your second row. Since you chained 51 stitches, (remember you chained 50, then chained 1 more for your turning chain), you will turn your piece and begin crocheting your second row.

To begin, skip the first chain, and insert the hook into the center of the very next stitch. With the crochet hook in the middle of the stitch, wrap the yarn over the crochet hook and draw it through the chain stitch. You will see there are two yarn loops on your crochet hook. Now, you will wrap the yarn around the crochet hook again, and draw the crochet hook (with the yarn ) through the two remaining loops on the crochet hook.

There! You just completed a stitch! This is called the "single crochet stitch" and it is one of the basic stitches that everyone must learn when they learn to crochet.

Next, you will repeat the process for creating the single crochet stitch, and work a single crochet stitch in each stitch until you reach the very last chain stitch.

When you finish working your row, you will chain one stitch, and turn the work, and begin crocheting a row of single crochet stitches across.
Continuing crocheting across the row, and then chain one and turn, and crochet across the next row.

Repeat this pattern until you have a square. Your square should measure 7" provided you used worsted weight yarn and a G hook, but if it doesn't that is ok. This is your first project, and you don't need to worry too much. Just have fun practicing the chain stitch. Next we will discuss how to ensure that your crochet project will be the correct size- Gauge.

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